Plate 25
  • SHP0053. BEHAVIOR: shrimp within feather star is colored like its host; steals food from crinoidÕs arms; Palau
Plate 26
  • SHP0055. commensal shrimp (Periclimenes soror), on cushion star Culcita novaeguineae; live on surfaces of starfish; Palau
Plate 27
  • SHP0056. commensal shrimp Periclimenes sp; live on surfaces of starfish; Fiji
Plate 28
  • SHP0057. night shrimp feeds among arms of basket star; Philippines
Plate 29
  • SHP0058. two species of shrimp find protection under anemone; San Juan Islands; Washington
Plate 30
  • SHP0059. SYMBIOSIS: clown or candy stripe shrimp Lebbeus grandimanas among stinging tentacles of crimson anemone Cribinopsis fernaldi; San Juan Islands; Washington
Plate 31
  • SHP0060. BEHAVIOR: cleaning shrimp cleans a scorpionfishÕ body of parasites; Borneo
Plate 32
  • SHP0061. commensal shrimp Periclimenes sorer lives within spines of crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci; Sea of Cortez; Baja Mexico
Plate 33
  • SHP0062. commensal shrimp Periclimenes sorer; live on surfaces of starfish; Sea of Cortez; Baja Mexico
Plate 34
  • SHP0063. mantis shrimp in its burrow; ready to strike with claws; fastest movement in animal kingdom; California
Plate 35
  • SHP0066. scientists determine length of mantis shrimp burrow by blowing air into opening; California
Plate 36
  • SHP67. harlequin shrimp; feeds on starfish; Costa Rica ©Avi Klapfer / Norbert Wu Productions,