Plate 61
  • SCH0113. skunk: striped skunk, spray can be smelled for miles, captive animal in rehabilitation center in Florida, Range:
Plate 62
  • SCH0115. slug: usually found in damp places, wild animals, Monterey, California.
Plate 63
  • SCH0116. Brown garden snail (Helix aspera): European species introduced tothe western US: tentacles have simple eyes that sense light and shadow: wildanimal: Orinda, California.
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  • SCH0120. squirrel: red squirrel a kind of tree squirrel, photographed in Canada or Alaska. Range:
Plate 65
  • SCH0121. sea star: Orthasterias koehleri , rainbow sea star. Range Alaska to Channel Islands.
Plate 66
  • SCH0123. stork: saddle-billed stork, Kenya
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  • SCH0124. swan: mute swan can fly 40 miles an hour, photographed in Brazil, captive animal. Range: worldwide from breeding
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  • SCH0125. termite: worker termites get food, take care of eggs and young, photographed in captivity in San Francisco Insect Zoo.
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  • SCH0126. tiger: a tiger's roar can be heard 2 miles away, photographed in San Francisco Zoo, Range:
Plate 70
  • SCH0127. toad: skin gives off a stinging fluid when disturbed, photographed in Savannah, Georgia.
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  • SCH0131. southern bluefin tuna, Thunnus maccoyi, most expensive animal in the world, a 444-lb bluefin sold at Japanese auction for $175,000; South Australia
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  • SCH0132. turkey: males spread tail feathers in a fan shape for mating display, photographed at wildlife zoo in Atlanta, captive. Range: