Plate 73
  • PAN0073. BEHAVIOR: sharp-nosed frog (Physalemus pustulosis) inflates body to call loudly for mates; Panama rainforest
Plate 74
  • PAN0074. blue-headed gecko (Gonatodes sp) on red bamboo trunk; Panama rainforest
Plate 75
  • PAN0075. cane toad (Bufo marinus) peers out from lake weeds; Panama rainforest
Plate 76
  • PAN0076. giant anole displays large throat flap as dominance; Panama rainforest
Plate 77
  • PAN0077. BEHAVIOR: lake frog inflates throat sac to call loudly for mates; Panama rainforest
Plate 78
  • PAN0078. BEHAVIOR: lake frog inflates throat sac to call loudly for mates; Panama rainforest
Plate 79
  • PAN0079. iguana Iguana iguana; large male adult defends territory by bobbing head up and down; Panama rainforest
Plate 80
  • PAN0080. red-eyed green tree frog Agalychnis callidryas; nocturnal; red eyes help it see in darkness; Panama rainforest
Plate 81
  • PAN0081. strangler fig Ficus spp. sends down roots; eventually smothering host tree; Panama rainforest
Plate 82
  • PAN0082. Smithsonian research station among rainforest; Panama Canal rainforest
Plate 83
  • PAN0083. rainforest canopy and Panama canal; lianas; vines; and numerous species; Panama rainforest
Plate 84
  • PAN0084. tropical rainforest scene; diversity of species; Panama rainforest