Plate 1
  • PAN0001. giant tree frog (Phrynohyas venulosa) ; nocturnal predator lives among palm fronds; Panama rainforest
Plate 2
  • PAN0002. (SCH61) iguana Iguana iguana; young male defends territory by bobbing head up and down; Panama rainforest
Plate 3
  • PAN0003. red-eyed green tree frog Agalychnis callidryas; nocturnal; red eyes help it see in darkness; Panama rainforest head on view; on red leaf
Plate 4
  • PAN0004. giant anole feeds on leaf katydid; Panama rainforest
Plate 5
  • PAN0005. rusty-margined flycatcher;Myiozetetes similis columbianus calls raucously; Panama rainforest
Plate 6
  • PAN0006. keel-billed toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus brevicarinatus; colorful long bill and raucous call; Panama rainforest
Plate 7
  • PAN0007. Rufus motmot Baryphthengus martii semirufus; long tail feathers groomed by the bird; Panama rainforest
Plate 8
  • PAN0008. lineated woodpecker female Dryocopus lineatus; builds hole in tree trunks and tends nest; Panama rainforest
Plate 9
  • PAN0009. crab spider ambushes prey from hiding place; Panama rainforest
Plate 10
  • PAN0010. CAMOUFLAGE: dead-leaf moth looks like a dead leaf when at rest; Panama rainforest
Plate 11
  • PAN0011. web spider vibrates web up and down in aggression or warning; Panama rainforest
Plate 12
  • PAN0012. CAMOUFLAGE: green-leaf mantis; shape and color match vegetation; Panama rainforest