Plate 1
  • BON0001. divers (MR available) over giant purple tube sponge (Aplysina sp.); grow to two meters in height, Bonaire
Plate 2
  • BON0002. BEHAVIOR: smooth trunkfish (Lactophrys triqueter) hunts invertebrates by blowing water on sand, Bonaire
Plate 3
  • BON0003. school of yellow goatfish (Mulloidichthys martinicus); use barbels to dig for food; Bonaire
Plate 4
  • BON0004. school of needlefish (Strongylura sp.) hunt waters of mangrove channel, Bonaire
Plate 5
  • BON0005. stromatolites; colonies of photosynthesizing cyanobacteria; oldest known life forms; Bonaire
Plate 6
  • BON0006. mangrove roots covered with sponges, mussels, life; one of most threatened habitats; nurseries for fish, Bonaire
Plate 7
  • BON0007. mangrove roots covered with sponges, mussels, life; one of most threatened habitats; nurseries for fish, Bonaire
Plate 8
  • BON0008. mangrove roots covered with sponges, mussels, life; one of most threatened habitats; nurseries for fish, Bonaire
Plate 9
  • BON0009. cactus fence; common property barrier on the island; Bonaire
Plate 10
  • BON0010. diver Mike Ready (MR available) over giant purple tube sponge (Aplysina sp.); grow to two meters in height, Bonaire
Plate 11
  • BON0011. school of yellow goatfish (Mulloidichthys martinicus); use barbels to dig for food; Bonaire