Plate 1
  • BEH0001. spawning grunion; Leuresthes tenuis; huge schools of grunion spawn during spring tides; SoCal ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 2
  • BEH0002. spawning grunion; Leuresthes tenuis; huge schools of grunion spawn during spring tides; SoCal ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 3
  • BEH0003. spawning grunion; Leuresthes tenuis; huge schools of grunion spawn during spring tides; Baja Mexico ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 4
  • BEH0004. spawning grunion; Leuresthes tenuis; huge schools of grunion spawn during spring tides; Baja Mexico ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 5
  • BEH0005. sponge spawning; egg masses exuding from sponge; Caribbean ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 6
  • BEH0006. eggs of cabezon; Scorpaenichthys marmoratus; are about to hatch; tiny fry with eyes visible; SoCal ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 7
  • BEH0007. coral spawning; release eggs one night per year; Montastrea cavernosa; Caribbean ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 8
  • BEH0008. tiny cowrie snail lays eggs on gorgonian soft coral; SoCal ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions, likely Simnia aequalis or Phaenacovolva birostris)
Plate 9
  • BEH0009. SPAWNING: starfish Pharia pyramidata releases sperm and eggs into current; Baja Mexico ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 10
  • BEH0010. (SHS2)pregnant male seahorse; male seahorse gives birth; Hippocampus abdominalis ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 11
  • BEH0011. male and female sailfish Istiophorus platypterus; fastest fish; 68 mph; Baja ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,
Plate 12
  • BEH12. krill; Euphasia pacifica; favorite food of baleen whales; Southern California ©Mark Conlin / Norbert Wu Productions,